Réseau universitaire international de Genève
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Evaluation des politiques commerciales nationales en matière de faune et de flore: 14ème session de la Conférence des Parties à la Convention sur le commerce international des espèces menacées d’extinction (CITES), La Haye (Pays-Bas), 3–15 juin 2007

Projet de recherche

Accroître les capacités nationales pour l'élaboration de politiques commerciales en accord avec la Convention sur le commerce international des espèces menacées d'extinction (CITES)

> voir le descriptif du projet


CITES - Examen des politiques commerciales nationales


Ce résumé n'existe qu'en anglais

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES or the Convention) was adopted by governments in 1973 with a challenging mission: to bring under regulation the international trade in certain wild animal and plant species to ensure that legal trade is sustainable, illegal trade is prevented or punished and, in the best-case scenario, both generate incentives for species conservation.

The States which are party to the Convention contribute to biodiversity conservation through ensuring that any trade which occurs in CITES-listed species is responsibly managed. Conservation is not limited to absolute protection or non-consumptive use. It also includes consumptive use which is sustainable. Economic and trade-related issues are therefore intrinsic to the Convention and trade measures are essential to achieving its objectives. Social and economic issues play a crucial role in biodiversity conservation. Understanding the relationships among the social, economic and environmental aspects of biodiversity conservation is therefore essential to ensure that the Convention achieves its objectives. It is also critical for ‘mainstreaming’ biodiversity conservation considerations into a country’s broader programmes for development and trade.

One way to increase such understanding is through a review of the policies underlying a country’s efforts to implement the Convention. Such policies may relate to biodiversity conservation or natural resource use or trade or socio-economic development.


Draft Framework
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Strategic Matters
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