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Violence et impact des armes légères au Brésil


Mme Maria Fernanda Tourinho Peres , Université de São Paulo .

Projet de recherche

Etude sur l'impact mondial des armes légères sur la santé publique

> voir le descriptif du projet


Armes - Brésil - Mortalité - Pays en développement - Violence


Ce résumé n'existe qu'en anglais

This report provides a summary of the major findings and conclusions of a research effort to create a comprehensive profile of firearm-related violence in Brazil. The research was undertaken and coordinated by the Centre for the Study of Violence at the University of São Paulo, and received technical support from the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Small Arms Survey (SAS).

The WHO has drawn attention to the fact that violence is a major global public health problem through a variety of World Health Assembly resolutions and comprehensive reports such as the World report on violence and health. The statement that violence is a public health problem may not, at first view, be easily understandable. In Brazil, as in many other countries around the world, violence is traditionally approached almost exclusively as a public security problem, with major responses focused on police action and judicial mechanisms. However, this view is beginning to change, and there is increasing recognition of the role of the public health sector and perspective in preventing violence. A public health approach to violence promotes analysis of the distribution of violence and it's determinants, and advocates drawing from this analysis coherent preventive strategies which involve a variety of sectors, including the health sector. This does not mean that violence should be viewed only as a health problem, but that it is important to consider the effects of violence on public health and the potential contributions for preventing violence that can be made through the public health sector. In sum, a public health approach to violence advocates understanding violence through the study of its social determinants, knowing its frequency and distribution in population groups, identifying its risk factors, proposing preventive measures and evaluating and monitoring preventive actions.


Violência por armas de fogo no Brasil. Relatório Nacional
Portugais | [2127 ko] > télécharger
Mortalidade por armas de fogo no Brasil 1991-2000
Portugais | [740 ko] > télécharger
Firearm-Related Violence in Brazil
Anglais | [2164 ko] > télécharger
Summary Report: Firearm-Related Violence in Brazil
Anglais | [1585 ko] > télécharger