Réseau universitaire international de Genève
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Social Dialogue Regimes: Application of ILO Conventions on Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining


Irini Georgiou .

Nicolas S. Müller .

Vincent Pisetta .

Matthias Studer .

Research Project

Social Dialogue Regimes: Worker Rights, Collective Bargaining and Negotiated Policy-Making

> see the project description


Collective Bargaining - Freedom of Association


Relations entre types de violation des libertés syndicales garanties par les conventions de l’OIT : Une analyse statistique implicative des résultats d’une fouille de texte

Au travers d’une analyse de violations observées de conventions de l’OIT, le but de ce papier est de montrer comment l’analyse implicative complémente avantageusement des analyses exploratoires plus classiques. Plus précisément, nous nous intéressons aux types de violations relevées par les experts chargés d’observer le respect des Conventions nº 87 et nº 98 de l’OIT sur les droits syndicaux. Les données sont des prédictions obtenues à l’aide d’un apprentissage fondé sur la fouille de texte. Nous comparons essentiellement trois méthodes soit l’analyse statistique implicative, l’analyse factorielle des correspondances et la classification automatique des individus. Nous discutons les apports de chacune de ces méthodes.

Mining Expert Comments on the Application of ILO Conventions on Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

This paper describes the use of text mining within a research project on Social dialogue regimes. The research, financially supported by the Geneva International Academic Network Foundation (GIAN), is a joint project between the University of Geneva, the University of Lyon 2 and the International Institute on Labour Studies hosted by the ILO in Geneva. It aims at understanding the structural determinants (e.g., economic, social, cultural and institutional), as well as the socio-economic outcomes of “social dialogue regimes.” An important part of the research is based on an analysis of the reports of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, CEACR. We resorted to text mining for extracting useful information from the many number of pages that these legal reports represent. The paper discusses the text mining approach followed, the different steps of the mining process and finally presents a synthetic analysis of the results obtained.


Mining Expert Comments on the Application of ILO Conventions on Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
English | [356 ko] > download
Relations entre types de violation des libertés syndicales garanties par les conventions de l'OIT: Une analyse statistique implicative des résultats d'une fouille de texte
French | [161 ko] > download