Réseau universitaire international de Genève
Geneva International Academic Network

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Directory of Outputs (Under Name of Coordinator)

Abaza - Draft Framework
Abaza - Enhancing National Capacities to Assess Wildlife Trade Policies in Support of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora - Background Document
Abaza - MEA Bulletin, "CITES, UNEP-UNCTAD CBTF and IUED Launch Joint Project on Reviewing National Wildlife Trade Policies", p.4
Abaza - Report of the First International Advisory Group Meeting on Enhancing Capacities to Review National Wildlife Trade Policies in Support of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora - 19 and 20 June 2006, Geneva, Switzerland
Abaza - Strategic Matters
Apea - Access to Justice in the World Trade Organisation - The Case for a Small Claims Procedure, A Preliminary Analysis
Apea - Appeal Without Remand: A Design Flaw in WTO Dispute Settlement and How to Fix it
Apea - Compliance and Remedies Against Non-Compliance Under the WTO System
Auer - Expert Meeting on the Supervision of the Lawfulness of Detention During Armed Conflict, Geneva, 24-25 July 2004
Auer - L'applicabilité du droit international de l'occupation militaire aux activités des organisations internationales
Auer - L'articulation des règles du droit international humanitaire et des droits de l'homme applicables aux forces internationales et aux administrations civiles transitoires internationales: conclusions et recommandations.
Auer - Report of the Expert Meeting on Multinational Peace Operations - Applicability of International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law to UN Mandated Forces
Auer - The application of international humanitarian law and human rights law to international organisations (Research Paper)

Baccaro - A Methodology for Violation Identification
Baccaro - Automatic juridical texts classification and relevance feedback
Baccaro - Automatic Text Annotating:Application on First Samples of Comments Regarding Conventions 87 and 98
Baccaro - Automatic Text Annotating:Methodology
Baccaro - Coding CEACR Reports on ILO Conventions Nos. 87 and 98:A Proposed Methodology
Baccaro - Mining Expert Comments on the Application of ILO Conventions on Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Baccaro - Multi-catégorisation de textes juridiques et retour de pertinence
Baccaro - Relations entre types de violation des libertés syndicales garanties par les conventions de l'OIT: Une analyse statistique implicative des résultats d'une fouille de texte
Baccaro - Traitement automatique de textes juridiques
Balkenhol - Microfinance and Public Policy: Outreach, Performance and Efficiency - Executive Summary
Balkenhol - Microfinance and Public Policy: Results of Survey Questionnaires: Synthesis Report
Bolay - Highly Skilled Migrants in the Swiss Labour Market with a Special Focus on Migrants from Developing Countries
Bolay - Highly Skilled Migration from Developing Countries: Qualitative Overview of South African and Colombian Scientific Diasporas in Switzerland
Bolay - Hochqualifizierte MigrantInnen aus Entwicklungsländern in der Schweiz und ihr Wirkungspotenzial für die Entwicklung ihrer Herkunftsländer
Bolay - Preliminary Findings of South African and Colombian Scientific Diasporas in Switzerland: a Qualitative Overview

Calligé - De l'Eau et de la Paix - Conflit et Coopération Istraléo-palestiniens
Calligé - Études, travaux et projets israélo-palestiniens sur l’eau : une évaluation de douze années de coopération
Capron - "Human Genetic Databases: Towards a Global Ethical Framework"
Capron - Charitable Trusts and Human Research Genetic Databases: The Way Forward?
Capron - Comparing Guidelines on Bio Banks: Emerging Consensus and Unresolved Controversies
Capron - Consent and Anonymization in Research Involving Biobanks
Capron - Cuatro escenarios que se han utilizado como base para las entrevistas del proyecto "Genetic Databases-Towards a Global Ethical Framework"
Capron - Ethical Issues in Governing Biobanks - Global Perspectives
Capron - Human Genetic Databases - Between Global Principles and Local Concerns
Capron - Human Genetic Databases – Between Global Principles and Local Concerns
Capron - Human Genetic Databases: Towards a Global Ethical Framework
Capron - Recherche en génomique: droits, intérêts et perspectives futures
Carlevaro - Practical Manual of Non Conventional Water Supply Technologies
Chastonay - الكتاب المرجعي لمنظمة الصحة العالمية في الصحة النفسية وحقوق الإنسان
Chastonay - 世界卫生组织精神卫生、人权与立法资源手册
Chastonay - Are Psychiatric Patients Victims of Discrimination with Regard to Health and Social Rights?
Chastonay - De l’épidémiologie à la réhabilitation des victimes des tortures: quels rôles pour les professionnels de santé?
Chastonay - Faut-il former les étudiants en médecine aux droits de l’homme ? L’opinion d’étudiants en médecine de 46 pays.
Chastonay - La discrimination dans l’accès au travail: un déterminant de la santé!
Chastonay - Lien social et santé mentale: avant-propos
Chastonay - Lien social et santé mentale: sommaire
Chastonay - Livro de recursos da OMS sobre saúde mental, direitos humanos e legislacão
Chastonay - Malnutrition et inégalités sociales
Chastonay - Manual de Recursos de la OMS sobre Salud Mental, Derechos Humanos y Legislación
Chastonay - Ouvrage de référence sur la santé mentale, les droits de l'homme et la législation
Chastonay - Problèmes des droits humains affectant la santé : perceptions des professionnels de santé et des défenseurs des droits humains
Chastonay - Rapport du Deuxième Forum international de formation sur la santé mentale, les droits de l'homme et la législation
Chastonay - Report of the Second International Training Forum on Mental Health, Human Rights and Legislation
Chastonay - WHO Resource Book on Mental Health, Human Rights and Legislation
Chastonay - WHO Resource Book on Mental Health, Human Rights and Legislation, Hindi Version
Chastonay - WHO-Materialsammlung zu psychischer Gesundheit, Menschenrechten und Gesetzgebung
Chetail - Post-Conflict Peacebuilding : A Lexicon
Coméliau - Commercialization of Medical Care and Household Behaviour in Transitional Russia
Coméliau - Croissance économique et « soutenabilité » écologique – Un tour d'horizon des principales critiques écologiques à la croissance économique
Coméliau - Doi moi et globalisation : vers un accroissement des inégalités en matière d’éducation ?
Coméliau - Economic Integration and Social Security in Bulgaria during Transition
Coméliau - Globalisation and Education and Training in South Africa : on Being GEAR(ed) !
Coméliau - Globalisation et inégalités : une mise en perspective
Coméliau - Globalisation et inégalités au Vietnam
Coméliau - Globalisation et inégalités de revenu en Afrique du Sud
Coméliau - Globalisation et protection sociale - Monographies 1
Coméliau - Globalisation et protection sociale - Monographies 2
Coméliau - Globalisation et protection sociale : les enjeux théoriques
Coméliau - Globalisation, inégalités d’éducation et dynamiques de précarisation à Genève : un état de la question
Coméliau - Globalisation, inégalités et pauvreté: note de synthèse
Coméliau - Globalization and its effects on health care and occupational health in Vietnam
Coméliau - Health and health care inequalities in Switzerland : a brief review of the literature
Coméliau - Health care commercialisation and the embedding of inequality
Coméliau - Health care inequity in South Africa and the public/private mix
Coméliau - Health care reform and inequality of access to health care in Bulgaria
Coméliau - Inégalités des revenus et ouverture au commerce extérieur : une analyse macroéconomique du cas de la Suisse
Coméliau - Inégalités des revenus et ouverture au commerce extérieur : une analyse microéconomique du cas de la Suisse
Coméliau - L'évolution des inégalités dans le champ de l'éducation au Mali. Quelques mécanismes de leur (re)production en lien avec la globalisation
Coméliau - Le Mali et ses inégalités face à la globalisation
Coméliau - Mondialisation, inégalités, éducation, savoir connaissance
Coméliau - Politique de santé communautaire et viabilité économique et sociale des centres de santé au Mali : Etude de cas en milieu urbain et rural
Coméliau - Regard critique sur la relation entre libéralisation, croissance et pauvreté
Coméliau - Regard critique sur la relation entre libéralisation, croissance et pauvreté I
Coméliau - Regard critique sur la relation entre libéralisation, croissance et pauvreté II
Coméliau - Une perspective économique institutionnelle des relations entre la mondialisation de l'économie, le renforcement des inégalités sociales et la dégradation des conditions écologiques

DeGennaro - Le calcul bénévole au service de l'humanitaire en Afrique
DeGennaro - Volunteer computing for African humanitarian causes
Dembinski - Enhancing the Role of SMEs in Global Value Chains: OECD Background report
Dembinski - Enhancing the Role of SMEs in Global Value Chains: OECD Tokyo Statement
Dupont03 - Compliance Bargaining in the WTO: Ecuador and the Bananas Dispute
Dupont03 - Developing Countries and the Trade Negotiation Process
Dupont03 - Do WTO Rules Create a Level Playing Field for Developing Countries?
Dupont03 - Getting to “No:” Defending Against Demands in NAFTA
Dupont03 - How to Negotiate Over Trade: A Summary of New Research for Developing Countries
Dupont03 - Learning in Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Some Results from Simulation for Developing Countries
Dupont03 - Reframing the Issue: the WTO Coalition on Intellectual Property and Public Health, 2001
Dupont03 - The Strict Distributive Strategy for a Bargaining Coalition: The Like Minded Group in the World Trade Organization
Dupont03 - Wiggle Rooms: New Issues and North-South Negotiations during the Uruguay Round

Erkman - Location-specific Global Product LCI: A Textile Case Study
Erkman - Tracking Environmental Impacts of Consumption: An Economic-ecological Model Linking OECD and Developing Countries

Faidutti - Rapport : séminaire sur le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies
Faidutti - Report : Seminar on the United Nations Human Rights Council
Falquet - Analysing, Converting and Publishing the UNL Knowledge Base
Falquet - Facilitating Communication Between Languages and Cultures: A Computerized Interface and Knowledge Base
Falquet - Managing Diversity in Knowledge Representation and Information Retrieval
Falquet - Managing Diversity in Knowledge Representation and Information Retrieval
Falquet - Multilingual Information Retrieval with the UNL

Hanhimaki - The UNHCR and the Cold War: a Documented Reflection on the UN Refugee Agency's Activities in the Bipolar Context
Hanhimaki - UNHCR and the Global Cold War, 1971-1984
harbour - Les liaisons fructueuses. Des rencontres insolites de disciplines et d'institutions : l'aventure du Réseau universitaire international de Genève à l'aube du XXIe siècle.
Hishinuma - Quelle protection pour la propriété intellectuelle?
Hishinuma - The Promotion of Cross-border Exchange of Intellectual Assets - The Case of Music and Trade Secrets - Legal analysis in view of Japanese intellectual property law
Hishinuma - The Promotion of Cross-Border Exchange of Intellectual Assets between China, Japan and Switzerland The Case of Music and Trade Secrets
Hishinuma - The Promotion of Cross-Border Exchange of Intellectual Assets between China, Japan and Switzerland -The Case of Music and Trade Secrets - FINAL REPORT (Excerpt)
Hishinuma - What Legal Framework for Promoting the Cross-Border Flow of Intellectual Assets (Trade secrets and Music)? A View from Europe towards Asia (China and Japan)

Jaubert - L'eau - quelles crises dans les régions à fortes contraintes?
Jaubert - Les marges arides du Croissant Fertile: Peuplements, exploitation et contrôle des ressources en Syrie du Nord

Kalache - A Global Response to Elder Abuse and Neglect: Building Primary Health Care Capacity to Deal with the Problem Worldwide: Main Report
Krug - Firearm-Related Violence in Brazil
Krug - Firearm-Related Violence in Mozambique
Krug - Firearm-related Violence in Mozambique: Summary Report
Krug - Mortalidade por armas de fogo no Brasil 1991-2000
Krug - Summary Report: Firearm-Related Violence in Brazil
Krug - Violência por armas de fogo no Brasil. Relatório Nacional
Krug - Violência Relacionada com as Armas de Fogo em Moçambique. Relatório Resumo

Laczko - Le potentiel de développement des migrants trans-nationaux dans le secteur de la santé à Genève : Recherche sur l’Afrique subsaharienne
Laczko - Le potentiel de développement des migrants trans-nationaux: Quelques résultats préliminaires du projet sur les migrants transnationaux d'Afrique sub-saharienne, dans le secteur de la santé à Genève
Luterbacher - A Study of the Energy Balance and Melt Regime on Juncal Norte Glacier, Central Chile, Using Models of Different Complexity
Luterbacher - A Study of the Energy-Balance and Melt Regime on Juncal Norte Glacier, Dry Andes of Central Chile, Using Melt Models of Different Complexity
Luterbacher - MAS Thesis - Analysis of Hidroclimatic Trends in the Aconcagua Basin, Central Chile
Luterbacher - Recent Trends in Precipitation and Streamflow in the Aconcagua River Basin, Central Chile

Magnin - Expériences africaines et portugaise vol.I, Percpectives n°137
Magnin - Expériences africaines vol.II, Perspectives n°138
Magnin - L'enseignement secondaire à l'échelle mondiale : table des matières
Magnin - La Historia de la Educación y el Desafío Contemporáneo de una Educación de Calidad para Todos
Magnin - Perspectivas : revista trimestral de educación comparada, n°130
Magnin - Perspectives : revue trimestrielle d’éducation comparée, n°130
Mahnert - Different Kinds of People of the Sea:écologie, mobilité et ethnicité chez les Vezo de Madagascar. Étude de gouvernance locale des tortues marines aux îles Barren, Maintirano;Rapport scientifique intermédiaire de l’étude sociale
Mahnert - Pêche, migration et économie de consumation à Ampasimandroro, district de Maintirano, Région Melaky (ouest malagasy).
Mahnert - Tortues marines, héritage commun de l'humanité
Metraux - Deuils collectifs et création sociale
Metraux - Psychotherapist for Refugees or Refugee from Psychotherapy?
Metraux - Techniques pour l’élaboration des deuils collectifs
Mivelaz - 大型活动中多利益相关者指南和居住权的保护与促进
Mivelaz - Atlanta's Olympic Legacy
Mivelaz - Barcelona 1992: International Events and Housing Rights: A Focus on the Olympic Games
Mivelaz - Directives aux parties prenantes de méga-evénements pour la protection et la promotion du droit au logement
Mivelaz - Directrices para las partes involucradas en megaeventos sobre la protección y promoción del derecho a la vivienda
Mivelaz - Fair Play for Housing Rights
Mivelaz - Hosting the 2012 Olympic Games: London’s Olympic Preparations and Housing Rights Concerns
Mivelaz - Housing, Evictions and the Seoul 1988 Summer Olympic Games
Mivelaz - Multi-Stakeholder Guidelines on Mega-Events and the Protection and Promotion of Housing Rights
Mivelaz - The Housing Impact of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens
Mivelaz - The Impacts of the Sydney Olympic Games on Housing Rights

November - Approaches of Risk: an Introduction
November - Biosafety Regulation: the Cartagena Protocol
November - Food Security and Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries
November - Introduction to GMO: technique and safety
November - La biosécurité : un enjeux à l’interface du global et du local
November - Le principe de précaution: quelques éléments de base
November - Les impacts des plantes transgéniques dans les pays en voie de développement et les pays en transition
November - Pourquoi avons-nous besoin du raisonnement de précaution ?
November - The Biosafety Protocol
November - The Future of Plant Biotechnology in Switzerland

Oviedo - Poverty, Equity and Rights in Conservation- Technical paper and case studies.
Oviedo - Une perspective économique évolutive de la conservation socialement responsable

Pedrazzini - "Guns in the City: Urban Landscapes of Armed Violence", in: Small Arms Survey 2007: Guns and the City
Pedrazzini - Boisteau Charlotte (2006), "Violences urbaines, pourquoi brûle-t-on des bus ?", in: Références, Keolis, p.14
Pedrazzini - Boisteau Charlotte, "Dynamics of Exclusion: Violence and Security Policies in Johannesburg", in: Segbers K. & ali, Public Problems-Private Solutions? Globalizing Cities in the South, Ashgate, England, Oct. 2005.
Pedrazzini - Building Communities: Urban Planning and Security Policies
Pedrazzini - Construire le vivre-ensemble: aménagement urbain et politiques de sécurité
Pedrazzini - Human Security, Urban Safety and Security Initiatives: a Guidebook for Local Authorities
Pedrazzini - Politicas urbanas y convivencia en ciudades de América latina: hacia una gestion integral de la ciudad
Pedrazzini - Sécurité humaine, pratiques urbaines de sécurité et de sûreté : recueil d'expériences à l'usage des autorités locales
Pedrazzini - Sécurité, dynamiques urbaines et privatisation de l’espace à Johannesburg
Pedrazzini - Urban Violence and Security Policies: Local Public and Private Practices for Securing the Urban Space (Action-oriented Research in Barcelona and Bogotá)
Pedrazzini - Violences urbaines et politiques de sécurité: pratiques locales publiques et privées dans la sécurisation de l’espace urbain (Recherche-action à Barcelone et Bogota)
Petitpierre - Advancing the WTO Environmental Goods Negotiations: Options and Opportunities
Petitpierre - Journal “EcoLomic Policy and Law” (Volume 5 (1), March 2008, Draft Version) - Transports of Wastes, Pesticides and Other Chemicals: the International Management of Risk
Petitpierre - The Geneva-based Conventions on Chemicals and Wastes
Petitpierre - The Geneva-based Wastes and Chemicals Conventions: the Questions of Technical Cooperation and of Trade Measures
Petitpierre - WTO Negotiations on Environmental Goods: Promoting Transfer of Technology for Sustainable Development?

Reusse-Decrey - Actores armados no estatales y minas terrestres - Primer volumen: Informe global sobre el uso, la adquisición, producción, transferencia y el almacenamiento de minas terrestres por parte de los ANE
Reusse-Decrey - Armed Non-State Actors and Landmines - Volume I: A Global Report Profiling NSAs and their Use, Acquisition, Production, Transfer and Stockpiling of Landmines
Reusse-Decrey - Armed Non-State Actors and Landmines - Volume II: A Global Report of NSA Mine Action
Reusse-Decrey - Armed Non-State Actors and Landmines - Volume III: Towards a Holistic Approach to Armed Non-State Actors?

Schlingemann - Certificate of Advanced Studies in Environmental Diplomacy 2007
Sheng - Understanding the Private Demand for International Ecosystem Services – Public attitudes and preferences towards REDD
Slim - A Handbook for Securing Access, Assistance and Protection for Civilians in Armed Conflict
Sottas - Attacking the Root Causes of Torture: Poverty, Inequality and Violence
Sottas - Poverty, Inequality and Violence: Is there a Human Rights Response?

Tanner - A Platform for Peace: Synthesis of the Project 'The United Nations Peacebuilding Commission and International Geneva'

Urio - Under What Conditions Can Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs) Improve Efficiency, Equity, Security and Sustainable Development in Countries at the Pre-PPP Stage?

Warner - Employment in Response to Crises: An Analytical Report of the Research Project “Strengthening Employment in Response to Crises”
Warner - Guidelines for Employment in Crises
Warner - HEI-ILO Research Programme on Strengthening Employment in Response to Crises Synthesis Report and Case Studies - Volume II: Promoting Livelihood and Coping Strategies of Groups Affected by Conflicts and Natural Disasters
Warner - HEI-ILO Research Programme on Strengthening Employment in Response to Crises Synthesis Report and Case Studies - Volume III: Strengthening Crisis Prevention Through Early Warning Systems
Warner - Strengthening Employment in Response to Crises, Synthesis Report and Case Studies - Volume I: Supporting the Private Sector and Social Partners in Response to Conflicts and Natural Disasters
Warner07 - Exploring Criteria and Conditions for Engaging Armed Non-state Actors to Respect Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law
Wehrli - A Tool for Multi-Word Collocation Extraction and Visualization in Multilingual Corpora
Wehrli - Accurate Collocation Extraction Using a Multilingual Parser
Wehrli - Analyse linguistique et extraction de collocations - Rapport final
Wehrli - Collocation Translation Based on Sentence Alignment and Parsing
Wehrli - Creating a Multilingual Collocation Dictionary from Large Text Corpora
Wehrli - Extraction of Multi-Word Collocations Using Syntactic Bigram Composition
Wehrli - Induction of Syntactic Collocation Patterns from Generic Syntactic Relations
Wehrli - Le problème des collocations en TAL
Wehrli - Multi-Word Collocation Extraction by Syntactic Composition of Collocation Bigrams
Wehrli - Multilingual Collocation Extraction: Issues and Solutions
Wehrli - Syntactic-based Collocation Extraction from Parallel Corpora and from the Web (PowerPoint Presentation)
Wehrli - Using the Web as a Corpus for the Syntactic-Based Collocation Identification
Werna - Promoting Decent Work in Construction and Related services: the Key Role of Local Authorities
Werna - Report of the Workshop